Good word Rayshawn. The one and only thing that connected the disciples was Jesus. He brought them to Himself that created the unity of the group. It should be the same for the church. It’s the word of God, Jesus that makes us connected. Christ-centered relationships should be based on the same. He is the heart of the community and the only reason the true connection is possible. When other agendas take priority, then the community experiences the division, strife and other modes of separation. He teaches us to become one in Him, just as Ge is one with the Father. … no matter the race, creed color and any of our human differences. He creates community when we follow Him.

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Good word Ray on church culture. I define church culture is when all believers see God and people within the body as one, regardless of their race or ethnicity, social status, etc. They worship God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as the creator of All and each with its unique gifts and talents endowed by the Creator. Church culture looks at the internal heart and not the external face.

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